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Complicated life


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I am a young man, mid 20's, and I feel like I don't feel like most people do about sex.

I am not asexual, but I don't want to be in a relationship in which I have to have sex to keep love alive. Sometimes sex makes me feel uncomfortable. However, I do like physical closeness and I appreciate physical beauty very much.

I feel like if I told most people this, the first thing they would do is assume that I'm gay, but that isn't the case. Or they would think there was something wrong with me.

I have no idea where I could ever find anyone compatible with me, and this makes me feel frustrated and lonely. This isn't an easy thing to talk about. It is a feeling maybe akin to sexual frustration, but for physical intimacy other than sex, and/or deep emotional bonding.

I have a lot going on in my life and I'm always working on some stuff, but I am still lonely and it's a real pain.

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I think the best way is to meet other celibate person. I think there are also celibate dating sites or you can just try ace-book. There are the best solutions in my opinion.

I'm not sure if you are celibate in case religious or more social reasons, if you are celibate just from the first reason, I'm sure you won't have problems with finding anyone, if you are just from the second you, you can have much harder way. There are not many secular, left side and liberal pro-celibate organizations. ( Maybe they are but I'm not sure). If you start socializing with people like you I'm sure you will find the right person just among them. .

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I can understand how you feel. I think if you aren't asexual and have more conservative views on sexuality personally it can be difficult, or at least seem difficult to find companionship but I think it is a matter of meeting the right people. There are understanding people in the world, just takes time to find them. Welcome to AVEN.

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