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Thoughts on getting a tattoo relating to asexuality?

I'd rather be in band.

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I think tattoos have less stigma these days (or at least around here). I have several coworkers with visible and hidden tattoos - and they're not who you'd guess would have them.

Tattoos are indeed permanent, so find something that really resonates with you - and having a temporary version for a while is a good plan. If you're sensitive to pain, keep away from areas that have thinner skin and more nerve endings like hands and feet. They'll fade over time and some might bleed (the ink! I mean the ink!), so really shop around for a good tattoo artist whose work appeals to you and stands up over time. (Ask to see photos or talk to prior customers!) They might have some good advice for you, too.

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Also, be prepared tattoo artists are only human, they can make mistakes.

My larger tattoo on my arm has a tiny blow out on it, where the ink bleed out a little -- it's nothing major and you really only notice it if you're looking for it, but it's something that can happen.

If you are sensitive to pain, keep in mind tattoos hurt. Regardless of where you get them. Your skin is being broken repeatedly, and a needle dragged along it. It's obviously bearable to most people considering the number of people with tattoos, but every one has a different pain threshold. I'd say personally, the inner forearm was a little bit stinger than my foot (I have a decant sized tattoo covering the top of my foot). But everyone will tell you different things in reference to pain.

Don't forget you need to be able to care for your tattoo afterwards, to keep the good quality of it, and everyone heals at different rates.

There's so much to consider, but question some artists, they should be willing to sit with you and chat about this, if it's something you're serious about.

(I just want you getting a quality tattoo that you love, if that's what you decide to do)

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What you do with your body is up to you, but personally I wouldn't do it.

I do like tattoos, I was supposed to get one this year but didn't for some reasons. I'd like to get a few, to be honest. But... I wouldn't feel comfortable tattooing my sexuality. It's not really that I'm ashamed of myself, I'm not, and to be honest I don't think many people would actually understand what the tattoo means since most asexual symbols aren't well-known to other people (unless you write "I'M ASEXUAL" on your arm or forehead I guess).

It's just that, firstly, sexuality changes. I certainly cannot imagine mine changing, but I'm only 18, so what do I know? Though, even if I were older, I'd find it rather thoughtless. We never know what the future holds, so I wouldn't want to bet on my sexuality in x years from now.

And also, because my sexuality does not define me. It is a part of me, true, but I don't think it is me. I don't want to be seen as "the (grey) asexual" or "lesbian" or whatever. I'm afraid that by having a tattoo that refers to my sexuality, people would only see me as this. And I don't want to see myself only as this.

That's my personal opinion, but again, if it feels right to you to have a tattoo that refers to asexuality, no one can tell you not to (except for your parents if you're under 18 I guess - general "you" here).

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I find wearing jewelry very uncomfortable, in any form. I am also an engineer, and there is a tradition in Canada that all engineers wear an iron ring on their left pinky finger. It is from a story of a bridge that collapsed because the engineers on the job failed badly and it killed a bunch of people, so it is a reminder to do our jobs properly or people could die. The rings are allegedly made of the iron from that fallen bridge. But, since I can't tolerate the feel of metal against my skin, I can't really wear mine. So, I was just thinking of getting a black band tattooed around my pinky finger. I just figured a similar simple design could be done for the black ace ring too.

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Whether my sexuality changes or not, Asexuality is more then me. It's about my thoughts, the wisdom I have learned, the friends I have met and even just the community. If I were to get a tattoo representing Asexuality to myself, it wouldn't be purely about not wanting sex. It's beyond that and because of it, I have changed a lot as a person. The way I view relationships and the way I view myself are completely different because of the community and the things I learned from other Aces and that will never change. The tattoo would be more spiritual then anything, and the idea that it's something that I can never just shake away or pretend isn't real.

I can't just take off my sexuality like I can with a ring, it's forever a part of me just like a tattoo would be and that's why if someone were to get it, they wouldn't care if it was permanent.

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