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Is it possible to be more than one, what would you call it, orientation? (still new at this and trying to make sense of myself)

After looking around and trying to get involved on forums, I think I fit the mold of Demisexual and/or Gray-A best. I feel like an idiot asking, but can I say I'm both? No, I'm not usually such an airhead... :rolleyes:

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Ace of Cakes

I'm pretty new to this too (still trying to make sense of myself as well!), so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that demi is considered a type of gray-a ^_^

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I would say its within the realm of each other. It would be like a bisexual saying they are homosexual. Gray-A is broad and used as a hazy fill in when you can't really define yourself specifically as the black and white asexual and sexual parts. Demisexual is definitely apart of that.

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I'm going to go with everyone else here and agree that demisexual is generally seen as a sub-category of grey-a. So, by all means, use both labels! They aren't mutually exclusive after all ;)

In fact, I think it is more common than people think to identify as both demi and grey. For example, I identify as grey-romantic, and sometimes I call myself demi-romantic. I don't see the two as separate, I just see them as two ways of saying the same thing for myself. Technically, grey is a more general term, and demi is more specific, but it's all semantics. Like a square is a rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares; demis are grey, though not all greys are demi.

Long post short: yes, you can be both :)

Welcome! :cake:

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Yup, you can be both. : ) As the others said, demisexual is underneath the "umbrella category" of gray-asexual. So you can say you're gray-A, and that would also include demi, or you could specify and say both. Anyhoo, there's lots of ways to word our identities/labels, so there's really no wrong way. [it's usually confusing at first lol!]

P.S. Welcome to AVEN!! :cake:

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