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So, there's a new flag for being asexual


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Pardon my potential insult pending but.... Who on earth comes up with these god awful flags? Why have a flag at all? Just be happy you're you and be greatful to be alive :o

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Squirrel Combat

I may just like the original flag we have just because I'm used to the colors. This new one punched me in the face with its bold colors and I didn't like that.

I will not acknowledge this new flag. Sorry.

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Let's go into a bit of history, shall we?

The asexual flag we all see and love is not a symbol of AVEN; it's a symbol of the whole asexual community and spectrum. The voting process was done outside of AVEN, and every asexual community was involved. The triangle, on the other hand, is a symbol of AVEN.

I don't think it makes sense to split out the already very small community. Gray-As and demis have always been included in the community, and always should be.

This kinda reminds me of something, though...


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Not going to lie.... that flag looks like crap lmao

The colours are off putting. Ill stick with the good purple black and grey one thanks.

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It erases a lot of people, including aromantic asexuals, those who are sexually active, those who can enjoy sex, and those who feel they weren't born that way. A pink+blue+green color combination can work, if the right shades are used. The proposed polysexual, and trigender flags pull off that combination better. (note: some of the descriptions aren't accurate, but this link has both flags)

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The neon colours are kind of horrid. I also believe that the grey and white stipe isn't about including sexual people but to represent that sexuality is a spectrum.

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Ew. Not a fan of their alternative flag. The colours and design...no. The current flag is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Some complaints I've heard about the current flag include that it's 3/4 non-ace. There's a stripe for greys and demis ("you must be this ace to participate"), a stripe for allies ("ew, can't have those allosexuals in here"), and a stripe for community ("you can keep your community and [redacted]"). None of those arguments make any sense to me. I like the current flag. The only thing it could do that it doesn't is have a gradation from the black into the white instead of just having distinct stripes (after all, everything is a spectrum), but that's more of a hassle to design.

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That flag really hurt my eyes. Both in the sense of it's far too bright and in the sense of it's hideous.

Aside from the bright colors: Even as a romantic Ace, I don't get why they felt a need to dedicate a color solely to romantic Aces.

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Janus the Fox
Well... It looks terrible, colours contrast too much and it don't follow the general rules of Vexillology the our current one do follow.
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I'm so sorry but that "new" flag is really gross. Besides burning a hole in my retinas with the brightness, the fact they used an "A" saddens me. Why? there are so many creative people :'(

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kassafrass pretty much said what I was thinking :/

Everyone is happy with the grey/black/white and triangle motifs associated with asexuality (ALL types of asexuality from demi to grey and back again!) so why change it ... also ... the new one is confusing and hideous ... (Im sorry for using such strong language but goodness its a travesty!)

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Batman's Ace

Good grief, those colors are awful. Could they have picked shades that were more dizzying together?

So what if the flag was developed on AVEN? It had to be developed somewhere. Seems to me they've just developed their own without my input; why should I use that flag instead, when the same objections apply?

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I prefer the old flag, it was easier on the eyes. Also it's kinda ugly in my opinion. And the website, ack white text on black background I couldn't read it because it was too much eyesore for me. It the sites design just isn't user friendly.

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It looks terrible to me. Bad choice of colors and brightness. It looks perfect for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles though. I'm not a fan of the color purple but I still prefer the other flag.

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I don't like that "new" flag. Love the current one though.

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Notte stellata

The color combination is ugly and unpleasant to the eyes. But what bothers me more is the description of what the three colors represent. The more I read, the more it rubbed me the wrong way.

"The green: represents the fact that asexuality is a natural phenomenon." - OK, I agree with that.

Although I was a little bothered when I came across "romance" in the description of the fuchsia, I gave them the benefits of doubt at the next sentence: "Emotional connections and intimacy will always be possible for those who are interested." However, it started to sound iffy at "We just don't have the fuss and muss of sexual attraction!"

And finally, my biggest pet peeve, which Striped Sweater already summed up very well:

The part that really irked me was this: "In the color wheel, various shades of blue are the opposites of the oranges. In Hinduism and Buddhism, orange represents the sacral chakra, the energy center for sexual energy and physical desires. Indigo as a color represents the crown chakra, the main energy center for wisdom, intuition, intelligence, thought and creativity, all of which can be key factors in asexual relationships, seeing as they are based in our emotional connections rather than a sexual one."

Um...sexual relationships need qualities like that too. Basically just wrote off sexual people as stupid and impersonal fucking machines. Not cool.

The whole idea behind the flag just screams asexual elitism to me.

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not sure why they're pulling so much from Hinduism. they could have gone with the meanings applied to certain colors in a different culture and not ended up with, um, that thing. it's not like they're a Hindu Asexual group.

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Don't like the colours, don't like the A in the centre of the flag, don't like the explanation for colour choice (too much religious stuff, focus on romance, ignoring aros, and I also get elitist vibes from some parts of the given explanation). Plus, I don't see why they had to create a flag specifically for asexuals, ignoring demis (and arguably greys). Are they not cool enough to join that particular aces club?

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White Venus

I don't really like it or the message behind it. What's wrong with the one already in use?

Asexuality is already confusing to many people, why confuse them more by changing the flag around?

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Between the flag , the extended erasure, and the lack of research done its like some idiot who came up with this said look at me I'm awesome and know everything about asexuality after only reading half a paragraph on the subject. It seems these people know absolutely nothing. Also the current flag way better representation and I like the old one because it was voted on by the full community, and has a nicer backstory than that other monstrosity of an eyesore.

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I think I'll be sticking to the old one...

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Yuck. I don't like it at all, so I'll refuse to accept it as canon. The colours are just far to bright, and not in a nice way that goes together either - in a 'what is the gaudiest colour combination I can think of' way.

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Honestly making a flag is a big deal and I believe the one that we have is good. It looks good in the first place with the grayscale including the whole scale of sexual people. Some people are black and some people are white (talking about sexuality, asexual to sexual).... A bit like how the gay flag encompasses all types of sexuality (the point of the rainbow) to represent that all of sexual orientations are ok, the gray scale shows all level of sexual attraction is ok including if you don't have any at all. Don't know if I am explaining this well but that is my personal thoughts.

And that green kills my eyes

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I think that stupid flag blinded me with its neon colors. It looks like they just opened Paint and threw primary colors on a rectangle. I, personally find it distasteful.

On another note, let them have their ugly flag, as long as I don't have to look at it ever again. It's not like that flag is going to become the next big thing. It's probably going to sit on that site for everyone to cringe at until they close the page to go puke. I doubt we'll ever see that flag at a convention or parade, so let them have their ugly flag.

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Why would romantic asexuals need their own flag? They are such a small part of our extremely diverse community. Who ever made it was color blind and obviously uninformed about the many walks of life that joined to create this community. I'm not easily offended but I find it all offensive from the color scheme to the explanation. Even more so, I'm offended as a Canadian that this came from my capitol.

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Why would romantic asexuals need their own flag? They are such a small part of our extremely diverse community. Who ever made it was color blind and obviously uninformed about the many walks of life that joined to create this community. I'm not easily offended but I find it all offensive from the color scheme to the explanation. Even more so, I'm offended as a Canadian that this came from my capitol.

Seconded. Especially the canadiens part.

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Grace Barton

I would never use that flag, if simply because it just clashes and is painful to the eyes.

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Can I burn said flag?

The flag looks more like something I would hang outside a castle if I ever decide to be a B movie villain, it isolates a large collection of the community and it proceeds to inflict religion with the A, its everything I stand against.

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I feel like they used the excuse of AVEN's colors coinciding with the flag's to say that the one we all know and love is simply AVEN's flag without looking into or asking how a majority of aces/aros feel, so they could put an eyesore up and proclaim its now the flag. The one we have now is nice. It's not complex, and it can easily be represented on anything from t-shirts to rings.

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It seems so gaudy and outrageously bright! Straight up 255,0,0 red, 0,255,0 green and 0,0,255 blue? I'm really fond of the current one as I like the spectrum included with the black and grey. More people are included with it :) It's also a calmer choice of colors I think in the current. I suppose there's nothing wrong with new symbols, but a flag seems a bit much. It would be very confusing if that one took off on another website and they never saw this one. And really why would they exclude other people with a 'purely' asexual flag.

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