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Asexual Userbars


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Hey folks! The name's Run. Nice to meet ya.

I've been lurking here off and on (i.e., not daily) for about a couple of years now, and registered for the board this April with the intention of posting someday.

While reading the posts here, I found myself wishing I knew a bit more about the members behind the posts -- just basic stuff, at least -- but there didn't seem to be an easy way to do so. In truth, it was probably one of the reasons I didn't register sooner.

Then a week or two ago, I came upon a site for userbars. Now what are these, you may ask? Well, they're "small graphics for your forum signature, which help you to show a tiny bit of your personality in an attractive way", or "used to show the user's interest, hobby or graphical skills" (from the Wikipedia entry on userbars). For example, there are userbars to indicate that you use the Firefox browser, drive a Chevrolet, are a fan of the Boston Red Sox, watch "Grey's Anatomy", drink Mountain Dew... the list goes on.

Being a member of other Internet forums, this concept interested me enough to look through many of the previously-made userbars on the site. Then I had a bit of an epiphany... why not make up some AVEN userbars specific to the forum, for members here to put in their forum sigs? Ideally (that is, if most of the regular members went along with the idea), it would allow me to have a better idea of who the AVEN members really are, and I could also see who I have more in common with on the forum. (Of course, a side effect would be that everyone else would be able to have this for themselves, too. icon_wink.gif)

So I thought of some categories. Four of them are based on polls that are stickied in the Census Forum. One category in particular, romantic orientation, is partly based on bard of aven's Sexual Preference Scale. Think of them as a less in-depth, more high-tech version of that. I also made a category for Myers-Briggs personality types, since the corresponding topic got a lot of responses in the forum (and since the types are clear-cut and inclusive), as well as a bar for those asexuals with Asperger's Syndrome (I don't have it myself, but I've lurked enough to know that a large minority of asexuals do). Rounding out the set are a few general "asexual" bars, perhaps for use on other forums.

If you see some you like and want to incorporate into one animated userbar that shows all of them separately, just go here. Right-click on a bar, select "Properties", then highlight the URL (if you're using Internet Explorer; or just right-click and select "Copy Image Location" if you're using Firefox), then paste the URL of the bar into one of the boxes under "Fetch Userbar from URL". Do that up to 10 times, then select a category for each (I'm not sure why you need to do this, but just hit "Misc". Then select a transition effect and a pause rate, then hit "create" and you're all done! (The one I made for myself is in my signature.)

Anyway, I know this must be the longest initial post ever on AVEN, so I'll go ahead and show the bars below. I'm open to suggestions for new categories, as well as additional offerings within each category (although a few of the categories have pretty much exhausted the list of possibilities). Just respond to this topic, or send me a PM if you prefer that method.

Enjoy! (Oh, and they may take a couple minutes to load.)



One of the more convoluted sets I have, with only (1) and (2) fairly straightforward. Numbers (3) and (4) are for those who identify more as androgynous, but still feel it is important or relevant to indicate their biological sex. (5) is for those who don't, obviously. (6) is for those who are transgender; (7) through (9) were the most complicated because I don't whether those who identify as intersexed tend to take on the transgender symbol I placed on (6). There's also a gray background for the intersexed option just for variety.

Of course, not all of the people here are asexual; bars (10) through (13) are for those who are sexual, but supportive of asexuality in one way or another. (If you're sexual, but not supportive... then you're probably on the wrong board!) The 4 options are 1 for males, 1 for females, and two for all other gender identities (sorry to lump them all in for this instance, but I don't think there would be enough interest).

asexualmbe5.png - (1) Male asexual

asexualfhe7.png - (2) Female asexual

asexualammn3.png - (3) Male/androgynous asexual

asexualafdd9.png - (4) Female/androgynous asexual

asexualafw0.png - (5) Androgynous asexual

asexualtfi5.png - (6) Transgender asexual

asexualiwr5.png - (7) Intersexed asexual (with purple background and transgender symbol)

asexuali2za4.png - (8) Intersexed asexual (with purple background and no symbol)

asexuali3si6.png - (9) Intersexed asexual (with gray background and no symbol)

sexualmfu7.png - (10) Sexual but supportive (male)

sexualffl1.png - (11) Sexual but supportive (female)

sexualtzn9.png - (12) Sexual but supportive ("other" with purple background)

sexualt2mo4.png - (13) Sexual but supportive ("other" with gray background)

Romantic Orientation

The first 8 probably don't need much explanation. For (9): If you consider yourself androgynous but are biologically male, and are romantically attracted mainly to females, use that bar. Similar rationales can be used for (10) through (12). Numbers (13) and (14) can be used by both (biological) males and females, but there's only one of each because two would be redundant.

I don't have any bars made for transgender or intersexed people -- not because I don't think they're needed, but because I don't know how their attractions would be best classified. Suggestions are welcome.

asexualmheteroromanticuc4.png - (1) Male, hetero-romantic

asexualmhomoromantichh3.png - (2) Male, homo-romantic

asexualmbiromanticzm4.png - (3) Male, bi-romantic

asexualmaromanticto9.png - (4) Male, a-romantic

asexualfheteroromanticxy1.png - (5) Female, hetero-romantic

asexualfhomoromanticzd0.png - (6) Female, homo-romantic

asexualfbiromanticlf1.png - (7) Female, bi-romantic

asexualfaromanticth4.png - (8) Female, a-romantic

asexualamheteroromanticjj4.png - (9) Male/androgynous, hetero-romantic

asexualamhomoromanticvq6.png - (10) Male/androgynous, homo-romantic

asexualafheteroromantichw1.png - (11) Female/androgynous, hetero-romantic

asexualafhomoromanticmv5.png - (12) Female/androgynous, homo-romantic

asexualabiromantices4.png - (13) Androgynous, bi-romantic

asexualaaromanticio1.png - (14) Androgynous, a-romantic


This is fairly straight-forward: pick the one that corresponds to your age bracket.

1lb7.png - (1) Under age 18

2ak5.png - (2) Age 18-24

3hw2.png - (3) Age 25-29

4gb8.png - (4) Age 30-39

5bi0.png - (5) Age 40-49

6ju0.png - (6) Age 50-59


I picked five countries where (as indicated by the poll in the Census Forum) a majority of asexuals come from. In addition, I broke down the United States into five main regions* (as well as New England, an overlap region), and the 10 most populous states in the country. I don't mind making more country userbars, but I'd like it suggested by more than one person first, so that I don't have to make another 40 userbars for 40 people. icon_razz.gif

*I couldn't decide whether to put Texas and Oklahoma into the Southwestern or Southern group, so I split them in two. The same goes for West Virginia (Northeastern or Southern?), but it turns out that you can't really make the state out on the map anyway. Basically, if you're in any of those three states, picking either one should be fine.

australiaza5.png - (1) Australian

australia2xt0.png - (2) Aussie

australia3qn1.png - (3) Australian Citizen

canadabl4.png - (4) Canadian

canada2so6.png - (5) Canada

canada3qz0.png - (6) Canadian Citizen

japanvz2.png - (7) Japanese

japan2pw7.png - (8) Japan

japan2ss6.png - (9) Japanese Citizen

ukxv5.png - (10) Briton

uk2yx3.png - (11) British

uk4rp7.png - (12) United Kingdom

uk3lq4.png - (13) UK Citizen

us2mf8.png - (14) American

us1xp7.png - (15) United States

us3ej2.png - (16) American Citizen

europe1rz3.png - NEW (17) European (with EU flag)

europe2wd2.png - NEW (18) European Citizen (with EU flag)

europe3if1.png - NEW (19) European (with EU flag and map)

europe3if1.png - NEW (20) Europe (with EU flag and map)

europe5zv5.png - NEW (21) European Citizen (with EU flag and map)

usnorthwestpi0.png - (22) Northwest US

ussouthwestbs1.png - (23) Southwest US

usmidwestnw9.png - (24) Midwest US

ussouthhf7.png - (25) Southern (Southeastern) US

usnortheastya6.png - (26) Northeastern US

usnewenglandlk9.png - (27) New England

uscaliforniaxn5.png - (28) California

usfloridanv9.png - (29) Florida

usgeorgiann0.png - (30) Georgia

usillinoispd6.png - (31) Illinois

usmichiganxt2.png - (32) Michigan

usnewjerseyzd0.png - (33) New Jersey

usnewyorkgw1.png - (34) New York

usohiohx4.png - (35) Ohio

uspennsylvaniaue7.png - (36) Pennsylvania

ustexaskv1.png - (37) Texas

Personality Type

Bars for the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, plus more general ones for "introvert" and "extrovert".

"I" type bars are dark green and "E" types are orange on the right side, covering the largest portion of the bar (40%, as opposed to 20% for the other three letters). "N" is indicated by light blue and "S" by red on the far left side of the bar. "F" is indicated by light green and "T" by pink on the second portion of the bar. "J" is indicated by dark blue/purple and "P" by yellow on the third portion of the bar.

introvertno5.png - (1) Introvert

extrovertrm7.png - (2) Extrovert

infjwf7.png - (3) INFJ

infphf1.png - (4) INFP

intjqf3.png - (5) INTJ

intpqs8.png - (6) INTP

isfjhz3.png - (7) ISFJ

isfpjb8.png - (8) ISFP

istjlm5.png - (9) ISTJ

istpqp0.png - (10) ISTP

enfjbg6.png - (11) ENFJ

enfphy5.png - (12) ENFP

entjov2.png - EDITED (13) ENTJ

entpys1.png - (14) ENTP

esfjio7.png - (15) ESFJ

esfpzf5.png - (16) ESFP

estjfk6.png - (17) ESTJ

estpdx6.png - (18) ESTP

Other Asexual Userbars

avengm5.png - (1) Asexual (with triangle and AVEN logo)

aven2fa9.png - (2) Asexuality (with triangle and AVEN logo)

aven3ra6.png - (3) Asexual Visibility and Education Network (with triangle)

53xm3qn4.png - (4) Asexual (with triangle and "sex+me=0")

asexualaspergeryd7.png - (5) Asexual With Asperger's

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Torgo has (or had) one of these. Pretty cool! *makes a note to play with it later*

oh, and welcome to AVEN! :cake:

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Wow, nice work. :) What's the thing in the Asperger's bar supposed to be?

That's something I found on this site. I'm not too sure what it has to do with Asperger's either, but it looked nice, so I placed it on there.

I see you're an admin -- I hope I posted this topic in the right forum. I had kind of a hard time deciding where to post it. It didn't really belong in the Welcome area because it's not mostly introductory; it doesn't really fit in the Visibility section because it doesn't deal with people outside this forum; and it's not really right for Off-A because... well, it does have to do with asexuality in a way.

And thanks for the cake, Jesh.

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Ahh, the puzzle pieces.. I get it now. :D And no, I don't think this topic is out of place here. It would fit in Site Comments, but more people will probably see it in Announcements.

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What a great idea. I am going to make one right now!

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Wow, you went to a lot of work. Well done, Run.

McBuh's signature would suit me better, though.

Aha--this proves the election was stolen!

... I beg your pardon?

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I made one, but then got a little obssesive to add other stuff I like. :)

Cool... yeah, you don't have to put just the ones I made into any animations you're making. I'll probably add some more to mine myself. 8)

could you please do one of europe in general? :oops:

I've added some into the main post.

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Wants to know how to make her own one (ie new pics)???

Yolly :D

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Lady Heartilly

Oooooh, shiny! *steals* I changed the hue of the 18-24 one though because I kind of hate orange; I hope you don't mind. ^_^

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good work, but for personality types, Im ENTJ

and the bar for ENTJ it says "ENFP"

are they both the same, or is that a mistake?

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I went to a random site and picked put he bits there, took me ages, this would have been easier but hey live nad learn.

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Oooooh, shiny! *steals* I changed the hue of the 18-24 one though because I kind of hate orange; I hope you don't mind. ^_^

No problem (although I don't know how you actually did it, haha).

good work, but for personality types, Im ENTJ

and the bar for ENTJ it says "ENFP"

are they both the same, or is that a mistake?

Ahh, sorry about that. When you upload 93 of them, I guess you're bound to mislabel one. :P I've fixed it so that the ENTJ bar is correct.

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You know you are a geek when you have more fun seeing where everyone has their userbars hosted and where their links go than you did making your own.

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Lady Heartilly
Oooooh, shiny! *steals* I changed the hue of the 18-24 one though because I kind of hate orange; I hope you don't mind. ^_^

No problem (although I don't know how you actually did it, haha).

LOL, I just went to Adjust Hue/Saturation.

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Cool! Way to go :), you probably worked hard...

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Wow, that's impressive! I'll have to pass though, too much of a "fad" thing for me. Props anyway!

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I'm knackered (with apologies to anyone who thinks that is more than intended - a horse fit for the 'knackers' yard was one that was fit only for destruction).

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